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This is not a complete tutorial explaining all you need to know, but at least I hope it'll cover the most basic questions anyone can have concerning the use of my DS1 Editor, and some more general wondering on Map Concepts.
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What's inside the
win_ds1edit.exe | The editor itself |
*.bat | The BATCH files that launch the editor and give it parameters |
*.ds1 | The Map themselves |
Ds1edit.ini | The configuration file of the editor |
demo.ini | An exemple to show how opening severall ds1 in the editor at once |
Readme.txt | The basic doc |
Data\ | Contains some ressources necessary for the editor |
Pcx\ | Contains some graphical ressources for the editor |
Data\tmp\ | Directory for temporary Undo datas |
Data\gamma.dat | Tables of Gamma correction, ressource of the editor |
Data\ds1edit.dt1 | Description of the Special Tiles used by the game (not complete) |
Data\obj.txt | A tabulated Text File that can be open in Excel, datas of objects spawnable in a map. This file is needed in order to have animations and name of the objects in the editor, and is subject to be updated every now and then |
Command line output of the Editor while loading its various datas |
Ready to work |
This editor is
using essentially the keyboard and the mouse together. There's no menus, all
of the command are done by the keyboard. In this documentation, you can click
on almost all images to enlarge them.
ESC | Quit the Editor. For confirmation, a window will appear to ask you to save or not the current ds1 you're editing. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Change current Editing Mode (Tile / Objects / Paths). The current mode is writen on the bottom / right corner.
F1, F2 |
Toggle Floor layers 1 and 2 :
F3 | Toggle
Animations layer (3 modes : none, freeze, animate). Objects can be hidden
by walls so you may miss some of them, but in the Object Editing Mode this
problem can't occur, since they all have a "Label" which is draw
on top of the Tiles. Exemples of the 3 possible modes :
F4 |
Toggle Object infos layer. 4 modes : none, "Type,Id", Animation Speed, Name in Obj.txt :
R | Refresh
the obj.txt. It'll read it again, and then update all the animations. Usefull
while editing the Data\obj.txt to see immediatly the modification results
in the editor
F5, F6, F7, F8 |
Toggle wall layers. Like for the Floor layers, you can toggle all wall layers. F5 is for the Wall layer 1, F6 for the Wall layer 2, and so on :
F9 |
Toggle Special Tiles drawing priority. 2 modes : draw like walls, or draw on top of all gfx (like roofs). It allows to see Special Tiles hidden by Walls. On the 2 precedent images you can see that the upper Green Special Tile is only visible when the Wall layer 3 is disable. That's because for this screenshots the Special Tiles drawing priority was set to draw Special Tiles * like walls *, thus the upper Green tiles was hidden. Now, let's hit the F9 key and here's what we have :
F10 |
Toggle npc's paths layer (not yet editable). The NPC in the game will only use the points on the Pink lines (and randomly), and they'll never go back to their original starting position.
F11 |
Toggle the Shadow Layer. There are 4 Shadow modes : Disable, "As-is" (solid, original colors), White (all pixels are replace by White pixels), and Transparent (this is the default value). In the game you have the choice between 2 quality for the Shadows, in the editor their correspondances are the "As-is" and the Translucent modes.
Toggle walkable info layer, 3 states : disable (default), simple infos (walkable & jump infos only), complete infos. In this state a little help window appear at the bottom / right corner (it's toggleable by the T key).
G Shift + G |
Toggle the Tile Grid state between the 3 available : disabled, over floors but under walls, and over floors and walls. If the Shift key is pressed it do the same but in reverse order.
+ F1~F2 Shift + F5~F8 Shift + F11 |
View only this layer. It's an easy way to check which tiles are on which layers : Press Shift, then press F1 to see what are the Tiles of the Floor layer 1, keep Shift press and type F2 and you're now viewing only the Tiles of the Floor layer 2, and so on. It's especially usefull if you want to select some Walls but without Floors that are below for instance : press Shift and hit the F5 key, and you're now able to select only the tiles that are on the wall layer 1, without the floors. |
+ F1~F2 Ctrl + F5~F8 Ctrl + F11 |
That's the reverse of the precedent command : it will make all layers visible, except the one you have the key on. The Shift + ... and the Ctrl + ... commands are shortcuts, since you can achieve the same results by pressing where needed the keys F1, F2, F5, F6, F7, F8 and / or F11. But it's more simple and quicker that way. |
Backspace |
Reset all layers states to their default value. So if you're lost in knowing what layers are disable, just press this key and all Floor / Walls / Shadow layers will become visible again. I'm usually using it that way : Shift + ... to view only 1 layer, then I select the tiles I want on that layer, then I press Backspace to view back all layers. |
Tilde | That's the key that is on the upper/left corner of your keyboard. It toggles (hide / show) an optional 2nd row to the menu bar. This row display the current SET (group) of DS1, the current DS1 index that you are on, and the full path of this DS1 (see below). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
+ 0 ~ CTRL + 9 |
0 ~ 9 are the keys that are in the upper part of your keyboard, not in the keypad. When more than 10 DS1 are loaded (via a .ini) the editor split them into 10 different SETS, from SET 1 (CTRL + 1) to SET 10 (CTRL + 0). In each SET you have the usual 10 slots of DS1. SET 1 contain DS1 #1 to #10, SET 2 contains DS1 #11 to #20 ... up to SET 10 that contains DS1 #91 to #100. For instance, to copy tiles from DS1 #22 to DS1 #84 you'll do :
Note : when
more than 10 DS1 are loaded, the menu bar contains 2 rows, as an When is it usefull to load that many DS1 ? Well, a maze of an area is composed of usually 72 DS1, so this is the time to use this functionallity. Onyx used 84 DS1 for his replacment of the Act 3 dungeon ;) |
0 ~ 9 | That's the keys that are in the upper part of your keyboard, not in the keypad. It makes you switch between all the 10 possible maps of the current SET (group) of ds1, assuming you are using the multiple-ds1 editing fonctionality of the editor. Check the README.txt that is in the zip of the editor for details on how loading more than one map at once. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
F12 Shift + F12 |
More (or Less if Shift is pressed) Gamma Correction. In dark areas you may want to increase that value (act 3 usually), while in the bright areas you may want to decrease it (Act 2). The default value is 1.00 and it is the value to use to display all images in their original colors. Depending of your video card / monitor / video mode / your own eyes / or whatever else, you'll find a value that fit your needs in most of the case. In order to avoid you to change that value each time you're launching the editor, edit the ds1edit.ini configuration file, at the line gamma_correction. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Up, Down, Left, Right Mouse on the borders of the screen |
You can scroll the main editing window by pressing the arrow keys. And you can also place your mouse exactly on the 4 sides of the screen to achieve almost the same result. The scrolling speed when using the arrow keys is in the ds1edit.ini, as long as the scrolling speed when using the mouse. If your computer is too old / too powerfull, or simply if you don't like the default scrolling speeds, adjust these values in the .ini to fit your needs. |
+, - (keypad) -, = Mouse wheel |
Hit the + and - keys to zoom in or out. You can only use the internal zooms (which are powers of 2) : 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8 and 1:16. You can use both the keys on the keypad, and / or the keys between the keys 0 and the Backspace. With these keys, the zoom is always done on the Tile / Sub-Tile which is at the center of the screen. You can also use the Mouse Wheel for zooming : roll it forward and you're zooming IN, roll it backward and you're zooming OUT. |
C Mouse |
Center the map to the Tile (or the Sub-Tile) the mouse is pointing. It also automatically set the zoom to the value defined in ds1edit.ini right after (check the line center_zoom in that .ini) You can also use the Mouse button 3, which should be the Roller while you're pressing - not rolling - it. Press the Mouse Roller, then roll it either forward or backward, and you're zooming and centering the map to the Tile / Sub-Tile the mouse is on. |
Home | At any moment, if you're lost in the map (than can happen if you're playing with both scrolling and zooming), hit the Home key and you'll be on the center of the map again. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
P Shift + P |
Printscreen (makes a screenshot). They're .pcx, and have names like "screenshot-00037.pcx". They're created into the directory of the editor. The editor will never erased a previous screenshot, it'll always search for the next unused number. If the Shift key is pressed, it'll make a BIG screenshot, and you'll have the entire map in 1 image. Note that this big screenshot takes care of the current zoom and various graphical layer state. In addition, the format of this screenshot is in .BMP instead of .PCX, because of the .PCX image dimensions limitations. |
Click |
Maintain the Left Mouse button pressed, and you're now selecting an area of Tiles : move the mouse around and you'll change the Tiles that will be selected. When you're releasing the mouse button, different actions can be made, depending of the key that is pressed :
The selection is based on what you're seeing. By changing the Layer's state (using the keys F1, F2, F5, F6, F7, F8, F11), you can select / deselect a Floor, a Wall, a Shadow, multiple Floors / Walls / Shadows, etc... Tip : you can press the left button, then toggle your layers, then make your area selection just like you want, then toggle the layers visibility, press an action key to make a command (Shift, Ctrl or H) and released the left button only at the end. Most of the command still work while selecting an area. Hidding Tiles
is safe. They're not deleted from the map, this is just a temporay state
: press the S key (like 'S'how),
and all the hidding tiles of the map will be visible again. Hidding Tiles
is usefull to see what are the other Tiles that are behind. Note that
even if they're hidden, they can still be selected / deselected when making
an area : the selection process of the Tiles is based on the global Layer
visibility only, not the Hidden state of individual Tiles. Let's exercise a little :
I |
A powerfull command : select all Identical tiles in the map, as the ones you're clicking the mouse onto. Choose a Floor, press the I key and maintened it pressed, click on the floor, and all the same floors on the whole map are selected (even if they're on another layers). This can work even if there are several tiles on the cell, in that case you'll have a selection composed of several type of tiles. Another usefull thing is that you can still use the Shift and Ctrl key to respectively add all these tiles to the current selection, or delete them all from the selection : choose a cell which have only 1 floor, select all the same floors with the I key. Now, choose another floor, but press Shift + I : you'll have in your large selection 2 type of Floors now. Press Ctrl + I and click on one floor of the selection, and you'll have only 1 type of floor in the selection. The Tiles types that will be searched are based on the visibility of the layers, but the search (in the whole map) to select them is done disregarding the Layer visibility, and even on hidden tiles. This command is also usefull to have an idea about the density of some tiles in the map. Tip : you can keep the I key pressed while moving the mouse on different Tiles... you'll make new selection each time very quickly, thus you'll be able to analyse their density very quickly. But let's make some exercises, to help you clarify how this command is working :
Ctrl + S | Save
the map (the .DS1), in its current state. Incremental backups. First, it
rename the current .DS1 to the first free name with numbers it found, then
it save the current map.
For instance, say that you are editing the map duriel.ds1 for the first time. When you'll ask to save it, it'll rename duriel.ds1 to duriel-000.ds1 and save the current state of the map into the file duriel.ds1. Next time you'll make a save, it'll rename duriel.ds1 to duriel-001.ds1 and save the current state of the map into the file duriel.ds1. So, the duriel-000.ds1 is always you original .ds1, and the next numbers are the following versions. Your last version is always the duriel.ds1, without the numbers in the name. Numbers are for backups. |
Ctrl + U |
Undo the precedent Tiles modifications, up to the very start. Note that when you make some multiple undo and then start to make new modifications, the undo buffers are reseted : the ones you have just used to get back to the current state of the map are lost. Also you can't undo an undo : there's only 1 way of undo. The editor is using its directory data\tmp to store temporary files. They're small and are deleted when you're exiting the editor. |
N |
Use a Night preview. 2 modes : lowest quality, better quality. This is just a toy for now, as it don't support any ambient light level / light radius modifications, but it can help you to figure how a map will look in Dark Areas (llike Caves, Crypts, or simply an outdoor area at Night time). While in Tile / Object / Path mode, press N and you're in the Night preview lowest quality (Night 1). Press again N and this time you're in the better quality (Night 2). To exit one of the 2 Night preview modes, presse Tab, or press N until you go back to the original editing mode.
Ctrl + C | Copy
the current selection. Right after you have pressed these keys, a preview
appear, folowing your mouse mouvements. The Red
part of this preview tell that you will erase previous tiles at that particular
place, Green part indicate that the
tiles are the same or there were no tiles before.
If you try to copy / paste some tiles from a ds1 to another, you can expect big distorsions. If you want to avoid them, only copy / paste between ds1 that have the exact same ID (in data\global\excel\lvlTypes.txt), and the exact same DEF (in data\global\excel\lvlPrest.txt). This is the way the game use tiles that make difficult the use of certain tiles in another .DS1.
Ctrl + X | Cut'n
paste. Almost
the same as Ctrl + C,
except that this time you're NOT moving a COPY, but the ORIGINAL selection
of tiles.
(keyboard) |
Select some tiles, even in different layers, then press DEL to delete them. After a Copy, a Deletion or a modification of the Selection, if you want to cancel your actions and come to a precedent state, don't forget to use the Ctrl + U (Undo) feature. As an exercice that combine both Copy and Deletion, let's increase the size of the Baal Throne Room :
"Weird" Tiles |
Sometimes you may see some Tiles with numbers in there, at zoom 1:1. That's the way the editor show you that there ARE Tiles somewhere, but they have a Flag that make them invisible in the game. That's also to allow you to select them. It can be some Tiles that are on each side of a River, or tiles to block your way like in Haroggath. But you can also see them on almost ALL maps of the game, at the far Top and Bottom corner, like in the screenshot below. I strongly recommand to leave these last ones in the map, as it seems they're used by the game.
Ctrl + Shift + Right Click |
Advanced tile editing. Warning : NO UNDO IS POSSIBLE ! There are 2 possible windows. It depends if you have a selection of tiles (even just 1 tile of 1 layer) or not. In the case there's a selection, the possible bits to edit are restricted to the tiles inside that selection.
Path Editing |
The paths editing is still very basic, but with patience it's posible to do what you want. In short : you select 1 and only 1 object in the Object Editing mode. It can be either a Type 1 or a Type 2 object, but only Type 1 (Monster / NPC) objects can use paths in the game. You then click on the ALL NEW button to delete the current paths and create new ones, by clicking on the map. To change the (hardcoded) "Action" (animation and / or sound) that the NPC will do at a particular place, click on the (Enter) SET ACTION button and type a number in the keypad, then press the Enter key and the next paths that you'll place will use that new Action value. When you have finished, click on the OK button, and the NPC have now whole new Paths.